Cancer & Peace
Welcome to Cancer & Peace, a site dedicated to the pursuit of Inner peace in the context of a cancer journey. As a cancer patient, it is possible to have a life of meaning and purpose. You are encouraged to explore the resources and join the journey.
Meet the Founder
Peter Scalzo
After being diagnosed with high-grade bladder cancer 20 years ago, Peter was informed twice by a major cancer center in Manhattan that he should get his personal affairs in order and contact hospice. Peter's journey is ongoing and comprehensive: six recurrences, over 50 surgical procedures including major surgeries, countless tests, chemo-rinses, 8 weeks of radiation therapy, and 7 years of immunotherapy infusions. To learn more, click the link to see Peter’s Story.
Resources for the Journey
Cancer & Peace Podcast
Join a 19-year cancer survivor still on the journey as the host of the Podcast with his friend, Sean Stewart, a fellow recovery participant acting as the Podcast’s facilitator.